

Medicinal Mushroom Extracts

We are extremely excited to introduce our new line of medicinal mushroom extracts. Our Shiitake Immune Support Extract boosts our body's natural immunity and can also aid with inflammation. Our Lion's Mane Brain Power Extract supports a healthy nervous system and has been shown to promote NGF (nerve growth factor).

Our extracts are made right here on our farm with our Certified Naturally Grown mushrooms, and are all double extracted to produce a full spectrum of benefits. Pick up both to super charge your immune and nervous systems.

Lion’s Mane Brain Power

Lion’s Mane Brain Power

Shiitake Immune Support

Shiitake Immune Support

Grow Your Own Kits


GYO Golden Oyster

GYO Lion’s Mane

GYO Black Poplar

Our GYO kits are a mycological kitchen-countertop-science-experiment, perfect for foodies, gourmands, epicures, locavores, vegans, paleo health-conscious cousins, nature lovers, show-and-tell grade-schoolers and as hard-to-please hostess gifts. It requires simple daily misting. Several harvests will occur over a period of 6-8 weeks, yielding up to 4 pounds mushrooms from one kit. Our kits need indirect sunlight to grow to their full potential, and prefer a temperature range of 60-80 degrees F, but they are also pretty easy going and user friendly. Mushrooms have been doing their thing on earth for a long time.

Instructions will be provided on misting, fruiting, harvesting, storage and preparation of your mushrooms, as well as a spray bottle.

After the kit has ceased production, it can be removed from the bag, broken up and added to garden soil or a compost pile.

Thank you for eating locally (it doesn’t get more local than growing in your own kitchen) and for supporting Pennsylvania farmers.

Our family wishes you good health!

PLEASE NOTE: All kits are typically ready to ship in 1-2 weeks, but during busy times may take up to 3 weeks. These are living kits, and have been growing for some time before they are delivered to you. They are meant to be used and grown immediately upon arrival. It is possible to keep them boxed for up to 1 week if they are refrigerated or otherwise kept as cold as possible, but above freezing.